If you're preparing for augmenting MARFORK there are some unique requirements. This checklist is not authoritative; see the specific reporting instructions for your travel and communicate early and often with your MARFORK sponsor about any questions or issues.
Coordinate with us
☐ Ensure medically fit for Korea deployment, especially vaccinations. Start this early!
☐ Provide MARFORK sponsor travel information (DTS orders and flight itinerary.)
Ensure you have connectivitiy
☐ MarineNet (or JKO for USFK) Cyber Awareness training certificate (current fiscal year)
☐ Derivative Classification training certificate (current fiscal year)
☐ Complete provided SAAR form, digitally sign, and return to sponsor with training certificates and AUP signed.
☐ Army SAAR form filled and digitally signed.
• If augmenting MFK: Fill out a SAAR for CENTRIXS-K only. Submit for NIPR and SIPR if applicable.
• If augmenting USFK: Fill out a SAAR for CENTRIXS-K, and Army NIPR and SIPR.
☐ Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) form digitally signed
☐ Complete required INDOPACOM & USFK theater entry/training requirements:
☐ Anti-Terrorism Force Protection course on Joint Knowledge Online (Enroll in Course # JS-US007)
☐ Complete SERE 100.2 Level A in accordance with completion instructions.
☐ Complete ISOPREP in accordance with the completion instructions.
☐ USFK Theater Specific Required Training as applicable for TAD.
☐ USFK License Training (JKO, only required if driving in Korea)
☐ Submit travel information into the INDOPACOM IATP Travel Tracker.
☐ Submit DISS visit access request (SMO codes: HQ-USFK-1-1 & 59901TMH4).
☐ Conduct foreign travel security brief, and notify local SSO for SCI cleared personnel.
☐ Ensure DTS travel orders include your ULN and “in support of exercise XXX” comments.
What you need to bring
☐ Hand carry your DTS orders (DD Form 1610), CAC, SIPR token, and training certificates. Your CAC and orders must be presented to Immigration when entering/leaving the country. No passport is required.
☐ Bring rain gear, and cold weather gear (as applicable.)
☐ Important items: Sleeping bag, towel, pillow (linen is not provided for the barracks)
Personal Items and uniforms
☐ MARPAT, Utility Woodland (3)
☐ MARPAT, Utility Cover, Woodland (3)
☐ Boot, Temperate Weather (T/W) (1)
☐ Boot Band (2)
☐ Socks (6)
☐ Undershirt, Green (6)
☐ Belt, MCMAP Designated (2)
☐ Rank Insignia (2 Sets)
☐ ID Card and second form of photo ID (1)
☐ Padlock (1)
☐ Identification Tags (1)
☐ Appropriate Civilian Attire (As Required)
Individual Issue Facility (IIF) Issued Equipment
Parent commands are responsible for issuing all required IIF gear to deployed personnel. No IIF gear is available in Korea. Marines will coordinate with their gaining section to coordinate what gear is required/recommended during the exercise.
☐ Individual First Aid Kit (IFAKA1) (1)
☐ Canteen w/ CBRN Access Cover (2)
☐ Three Season Sleeping System (1)
When you're in route
☐ Provide MARFORK sponsor travel information (DTS orders and flight itinerary.)
☐ You must keep your sponsor informed of your travel progress and any delays.
☐ Message your sponsor when boarding your flight, landing, when boarding the airport bus and when arriving on USAG Humphreys.
After you land
☐ After exiting Customs at Incheon Airport, go to and check in with the USFK Help Desk inside
the arrival terminal and take the next available government provided charter bus to USAG
Humphreys. Do not take a taxi or other transportation.
☐ MARFORK personnel will meet you at the Humphreys One Stop (Maude Hall) bus stop for
movement to the barracks. Ensure your sponsor is aware of your travel progress!